The MC
-The MC-Master of Ceremony, or how Rakim put it 'Move the Crowd'.That is, he literaly moves the crowd.
-An MC can verbally turn the show or party out whether or not they have a little or a lot of rhymes to say.
-A true MC benefits and manifest his or her own creative MC styles not only from Hip Hop, but from other multiple music and non music creative forms, for example Jazz, Rock & Roll, Bee Bop, Rock, Heavy metal, R&B, Classic R&B, Comedy, TV Shows, etc.
-A true MC never bites.
-A true MC would never publicly beneath his or herself to no one; For example, an MC would never say ¡V I¡¦m not as good as so & so, but I come close. MCs give props, and that's it.
-An MC has respect for the old school-The real old school.
-An MC doesn't have to get too personal to win a battle.
-A true MC is politically and consciously aware, and can or will put it in a rhyme.
- An MC is very diverse in style-originality and flow-versatility.
-An MC doesn't need a lot of promotional and marketing propaganda hype to be admired.
-An MC can drop rhymes over multiple beats without pause.
-An MC never runs out of ideas.
-An MC can pass the Mic to others in an MC verse.
-A true MC cannot be defined or put under any category but DOPE.
-An MC can verbally turn the show or party out whether or not they have a little or a lot of rhymes to say.
-A true MC benefits and manifest his or her own creative MC styles not only from Hip Hop, but from other multiple music and non music creative forms, for example Jazz, Rock & Roll, Bee Bop, Rock, Heavy metal, R&B, Classic R&B, Comedy, TV Shows, etc.
-A true MC never bites.
-A true MC would never publicly beneath his or herself to no one; For example, an MC would never say ¡V I¡¦m not as good as so & so, but I come close. MCs give props, and that's it.
-An MC has respect for the old school-The real old school.
-An MC doesn't have to get too personal to win a battle.
-A true MC is politically and consciously aware, and can or will put it in a rhyme.
- An MC is very diverse in style-originality and flow-versatility.
-An MC doesn't need a lot of promotional and marketing propaganda hype to be admired.
-An MC can drop rhymes over multiple beats without pause.
-An MC never runs out of ideas.
-An MC can pass the Mic to others in an MC verse.
-A true MC cannot be defined or put under any category but DOPE.
The Rapper
-A Rapper often bites from others.-A Rapper has very little love or respect for the old school-The real old school.
-A Rapper is only about getting paid no matter what the cost financially or morally.
-A Rapper is often politically unaware and is very unconscious of the effects of their ignorant lyrics.
-True Rappers say things in their rhymes to mislead others from getting into the music business. Rappers have fear of the competition, that's why they mislead you. Example-'I sold drugs to get to get in'. This helps no one but the cops and our government.
-Rappers only can rap about the same thing other Rappers are rapping about. Same story just flipped a different way.
-Rappers only lyrically benefit off rap music, that's why creativity is very low.
-Most Rappers have no show or performance skill at all. Rappers often grab their balls and walk left and right across the stage shouting and pointing into the crowed 95% of the duration of the show.
-Rappers need a lot of marketing/Video hype to be recognized and admired.
-Rappers categorized themselves as Hard Core, Gangster, commercial, etc.
-A Rapper can't battle without getting real personal.
-A Rapper has no love or respect for the game or his or her own people.
Not anyone can be an MC, but anyone can be a Rapper. The truth is 'all Rappers are limited and they often know that they are WACK!! Souja Boy wuld tell u "I can make a million sayin nothin on the track" listen to 'This is why am Hot'
Dude I so feel you on that you've told it like it is!